Sunday, August 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by Quizz....
How about this then? This illustrates the wonder that is Flickr for me. I post some comments on one person's photo stream. Another reads them a follows the link to my stream. Adds me as a contact. I go to check out their photos, and find astonishingly original photographic creations like this. Bliss.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Smoke ...

Smoke ...
Originally uploaded by asmundur.
And what about this!!!? Gorgeous. Asmundur specialises in this kind of saturated, atmospheric strong imagery. Go see.

sea calligraphy

sea calligraphy
Originally uploaded by photofool.
As you may know, I'm an avid Flickr user and fan. This beautiful shot is by one of my contacts, Photofool. I think it's just incredible and I'm hugely envious of it.